August : A Summary
Assalamualaikum and Salam Maal Hijrah guys !
Alhamdulillah it is a brand new year for us (Muslim). Alhamdulillah we still had a chance to live for another year. Alhamdulillah for everything. August was great I think. I’ll try to recap every big events on August insyaAllah.
Before I forget, I already entered my third year of medical school. Tbh, it was hectic and super tiring for me. I almost have culture shock for the first couple of weeks. Subhanallah I was just so shocked even though I already expected all of this will come. After all, it was great and I enjoy the hectic experience so much. It took me some times to adapt and InsyaAllah everything will be fine. Amin.
For year 3 in our university, we learned 5 core subjects which are Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Parasitology and Community Health compare to our first 2 years, we only have 3 subjects lol. Our schedule is pack as it was never been before. We have tutorials like almost everyday. huhuhu. It’s not me complaining but I loveeee this kind of situation.
Okay back to August, for Muslims, we celebrated Eid Adha on 10 Zulhijah every year and this year it fell on 11th of August. I celebrated Eid at my ‘kampung’ in KL. Quite a few numbers of my friends didn’t go back to their hometown and guess what, we do some sort of open house at our hostel to celebrate this Hari Raya !! It was an enjoyable night where we have a lot of foods to share and eat (I love eating lol).
A lil bit sharing about Eid Adha, Eid Adha is all about sacrifice. I am sure you guys already heard about how prophet Ibrahim A.S had been told to sacrifice his so. Ismail A.S, right? So, we celebrate this Eid as the remembrance of the sacrifice of our prophet. Let’s think for a moment, what are the sacrifices we did for ummah? Not for ourselves, but for the Muslims. To help our religion. Is there any sacrifice we can name of? We did enjoy Eid Adha but had we done any sacrifices which could help our deen i.e Islam? That’s something to ponder about :)
On the 15th of August, our faculty received a tour from a group of Turkish people. They came to Malaysia for some sort of student exchange program, a few of my friends and I were selected to entertain them to give a lil bit of tour to our humble faculty. Among that group, we only have 3 medical students and Alhamdulillah we got to exchange some knowledges with them. The sisters are so pretty MasyaAllah. Hahahaha. It was a great experiences for me even though not everything work as planned.
Last but not least, I recently started to do some exercises to get fit and healthy. Do pray for me as I am very lazy when it comes to exercise. Pray for me to be more consistent and istiqamah in exercise and ibadah. Aminn. I quite enjoyed doing some exercise as it will release Endorphins a.k.a Happy Hormone. The one who makes us happy.
In conclusion, things happened for a reason and insyaAllah everything will be fine at the end of the day, Amin. Just keep strong and have a good faith in Him. It really reflects our Iman system (read: immune system) in our body. Fighting !!!
Fake it till you make it, xoxo.
Alhamdulillah it is a brand new year for us (Muslim). Alhamdulillah we still had a chance to live for another year. Alhamdulillah for everything. August was great I think. I’ll try to recap every big events on August insyaAllah.
Before I forget, I already entered my third year of medical school. Tbh, it was hectic and super tiring for me. I almost have culture shock for the first couple of weeks. Subhanallah I was just so shocked even though I already expected all of this will come. After all, it was great and I enjoy the hectic experience so much. It took me some times to adapt and InsyaAllah everything will be fine. Amin.
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This is how much bacteria on your hands if you don’t wash you hands thoroughly |
For year 3 in our university, we learned 5 core subjects which are Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Parasitology and Community Health compare to our first 2 years, we only have 3 subjects lol. Our schedule is pack as it was never been before. We have tutorials like almost everyday. huhuhu. It’s not me complaining but I loveeee this kind of situation.
Okay back to August, for Muslims, we celebrated Eid Adha on 10 Zulhijah every year and this year it fell on 11th of August. I celebrated Eid at my ‘kampung’ in KL. Quite a few numbers of my friends didn’t go back to their hometown and guess what, we do some sort of open house at our hostel to celebrate this Hari Raya !! It was an enjoyable night where we have a lot of foods to share and eat (I love eating lol).
A lil bit sharing about Eid Adha, Eid Adha is all about sacrifice. I am sure you guys already heard about how prophet Ibrahim A.S had been told to sacrifice his so. Ismail A.S, right? So, we celebrate this Eid as the remembrance of the sacrifice of our prophet. Let’s think for a moment, what are the sacrifices we did for ummah? Not for ourselves, but for the Muslims. To help our religion. Is there any sacrifice we can name of? We did enjoy Eid Adha but had we done any sacrifices which could help our deen i.e Islam? That’s something to ponder about :)
On the 15th of August, our faculty received a tour from a group of Turkish people. They came to Malaysia for some sort of student exchange program, a few of my friends and I were selected to entertain them to give a lil bit of tour to our humble faculty. Among that group, we only have 3 medical students and Alhamdulillah we got to exchange some knowledges with them. The sisters are so pretty MasyaAllah. Hahahaha. It was a great experiences for me even though not everything work as planned.
Last but not least, I recently started to do some exercises to get fit and healthy. Do pray for me as I am very lazy when it comes to exercise. Pray for me to be more consistent and istiqamah in exercise and ibadah. Aminn. I quite enjoyed doing some exercise as it will release Endorphins a.k.a Happy Hormone. The one who makes us happy.
In conclusion, things happened for a reason and insyaAllah everything will be fine at the end of the day, Amin. Just keep strong and have a good faith in Him. It really reflects our Iman system (read: immune system) in our body. Fighting !!!
Fake it till you make it, xoxo.
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