Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and Assalamualaikum guys,
Here we go again on the summary of each month series (lol acah gila). So here is the thing, as we all know that Ramadan this year is on May 2019. It is a very barakah month as it is the month where Allah S.W.T had gave us, His slave a very powerful thing which is the Holy Quran. Besides, today is our last day being a second year medical students !!!!!
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Sunrise on Nuzul Quran (17th Ramadan 1440H) |
A lot of things happened during this month especially to us, the students as we faced our first professional examination for the past 3 weeks. It was a very hectic and exhausting weeks for all of us because this examination will determined whether we can proceed to next year or not.
Let us begin from the beginning of our month which all of you guys know in my previous post where I started this month with a whole new experience and knowledge, Alhamdulillah. It was a kickstart for me to become more passion towards my field of study; medicine. Before we sat for our examination, we got two weeks to prepare for our exams which started on 29th of April until 13th of May.
Nothing much to share but after our study week, we then sat for our professional exams for the next upcoming 3 weeks and today, 31st of May 2019 is the day for all of us to know our result for our professional examinations.
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Iftar with my fav people on earth !!! |
Okay to all juniors, let me tell you, professional exam is all about rizq. You can read the whole book and memorize it but at the end of the day, it is Allah who will determine your fate. You can read a lot of things before you sit for the examinations but you will never know on what will happen on your examination day. Always and always pray to Allah for our health and always tawakkal to Him. Pray for Him, ask Him to give you blessings and give you strength so that you can learn His knowledge with an open heart. Never underestimate the power of Dua.
Besides, never and never to spot any question that will come out for your exams as you will be suprised with a lot of things during your exam. Always stay calm, no matter what happened because you can only retrieve all of those information in a calm mind and heart, believe me. I have been there :) Here, I want to congratulate all of my batch and my seniors for passing our professional exams. Alhamdulillah.
Despite on facing all of those examinations, let’s not forget to always balance our life with ibadah to Allah especially during this Holy month, Ramadan Al-Mubarak. Always keeps in mind that it is Him who give us success and to Him we give our heart and soul. Never neglect our ibadah towards Him because we want to study and want to score for our exams. Just do your best and studying and do your best in worshipping Him and insyaAllah, He will give you on what you want.
In this very meaningful day, I want to dedicate this post to one of my beloved senior which I can say, he is my backbone of my achievement today. He is the one who always taught me new things in a very attractive way so that I can understand all those difficult concepts in medicine. He is also the one who gave me a lot of clinical exposure for me to understand more about the diseases that I had learnt so far. He is the one who is there, when I was at the lowest motivational level. He gave me his full supports, with all those accomodations and all. Even though he is busy with his clinical life, he always accompanied me when i need someone to accompany me to study. I can’t thank Allah enough for having him in my life. I am more than grateful to know someone like him. You know who you are ;)
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Celebrating our success with fav people !! |
Last but not least, I am so sorry if this post is not an interesting to read but whatever, it is my blog after al. I just want to say Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah for this unexpected achievement which I received today. Always be grateful on what you have, and for my friends who will be sitting for supplementary examination, I wish you guys all the best and take this as one of the way that Allah want to teach us to rely more and more to Him and to become a more grateful servant, insyaAllah. Before I end my post, I would like to wish happy belated birthday to all May babies out there. May Allah bless you always, Amin.
P/s : I wish that I could write more but see you guys in the next post, bye.
Fake it till you make it, xoxo.
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