September : A Summary

Assalamualaikum and hello guys,

First of all, I am truly sorry for the late update of this blog. For god sake, I was too busy last week and Alhamdulillah now I finally have a lil bit of time to sit and write this post for you.

Now let’s get to the summary.

I am really proud of myself at the beginning of the month as I am really really really productive in the beginning. I jogged for like almost everyday until the haze comes in and yeah. Everything went hay wire and I just stopped everything that I love to do outdoors immediately. I am so sad as I can’t continue my routine because we really need to take a good care of our health especially during haze season.

Talking about haze, it really hits me when we always realise and be grateful for what we had only after we already lose them. We really didn’t appreciate and didn’t thank Allah enough for all those fresh air we had been breathing after all this while. Haze really thought me something which I always neglected which is the ni’mah. Allah want to taught us to become more grateful for everything we had, even for the simplest thing. Let’s take a bit of moment and say Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.

Nothing much happened last month actually. Some of the things that I can highlighted were my quality time which I spent with my favourite people. My family and friends.

On the 16th, we had siblings day out at KLCC as all of my siblings (except our youngest) are here in KL. My sister really wanted to try K-Fry so yeah we decided to meet there and have our moments together. We had all of those catch up sessions and whatnot. Even though we don’t really spend that much time together but the quality time matters. I always be that kind of annoying brother who always worried about my sister as I can’t believe she is old enough to take care of herself.

Before I forget, our Medical Student Club had an Annual Grand Meeting last month and that is where new Exco and president were selected for the new session ; 19/20. It was a great moment where 96.33% of the students voted on that day for the new election. I am so proud as this year holds the best percentage of election for the compared with the last 5 years. *tepuk sikit*

I also had my mid-semester break last month and I really need that break from the overwhelming facts of medical school. I find myself getting exhausted easily maybe my body didn’t really adapt to the new hectic environment. I never felt like I really wanted to have my holiday before this but I am so grateful that I can rest my mind a lil bit. Alhamdulillah.

My midsem break was awesome. I get to spend my me time at my favourite place in my hometown which is beachhhhhhh. *pronounce it carefully okay* It really makes my heart calm and my mind at ease whenever I spend my time there.

Not to forget, the famous and viral Drawbridge in Kuala Terengganu is now open to public in case you guys didn’t  know it yett and MasyaAllah the view is fascinating up there. The entrance fee was RM5 for early promotion. We also are very lucky as we can saw the bridge being open live in front of our own eyes. Not everyone who go up there can see it. It just based on your luck. Lol.

Last but not least, I recently finished reading a book entitled Love From A-Z written by S.K Ali. In the book, it told a story about to teenager who wrote the journal of what happened on the life. “Marvel of Creations and Oddities of Existences” is what inspire them to write the journal. They will wrote every Marvel (good thing) happened and also the Oddities (bad thing) happened in their daily life. They also make it compulsory to wrote at least one Marvel in every Oddities happened. This is one of the way for us to practice on what Allah had said in the Quran.  “Verily in every difficulties will come an ease” -Surah Al-Hasyr.

This will be a really good practice for us to always evaluate ourself on what good and bad things happened to us. For us to sit and ponder what is the message that Allah wants to convey to us as His servant. Always be calm and grateful because life really taught us a lot of things.

Happy Birthday to all September babies !! May Allah grant you guys with His endless blessings. Amin. That’s all for today’s post. Bye.

Fake it till you make it, xoxo.


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